Sometimes it occurs that mass media remember that it wasn't Mark Zuckerberg who invented 3-D #
VirtualWorlds. They may even remember #
SecondLife. If you're very lucky, they actually show footage from within Second Life.
That is, you aren't that lucky actually. Said footage was
always taken during the heyday from 2006 to 2008, and it's
always horribly outdated and in a horrible quality. This gives outsiders the impression that Second Life
is dead. If mass media don't believe this themselves and actually explicitly state it isn't, as rarely as both may occur, the footage makes it look like this is what Second Life looks like today.
After all, it's 20 years old now. And a 20-year-old "video game"
always looks as old as it is, am I right? That is, unless there has been a reissue. There has never been a reissue of Second Life, though.
By the way, Second Life is not a video game. No, it isn't. No, really, it isn't.
And yes, it has evolved over the last 15 years. A lot.
Also, just because all content in World of Warcraft was made by Blizzard, doesn't mean that all content in Second Life was made by Linden Labs, and it certainly doesn't mean that all content in Second Life was made 20 years ago. Second Life is different. Nearly all in-world content was made by the users. And it is still being made. So it has evolved even more.
Nowadays, one Second Life avatar has many more vertices and polygons than an entire WoW scene, all NPCs included. And Second Life avatars look the part. But as long as mass media only dig up decades-old Second Life footage from their archives instead of getting fresh material, nobody outside the Second Life community will know.
Obligatory #
OpenSim tangent: At least mass media know that there was something called Second Life. #
OpenSimulator is entirely unknown to them. And so they continue to believe that Mark Zuckerberg was the first to use the term #
metaverse for a real-life 3-D world (I can show you proof that the OpenSim community did in 2016 already, and it probably did as early as 2008 when the #
Hypergrid was introduced). And tech media continue to believe that #
Decentraland invented the decentralised, federated metaverse when actually OpenSim invented it in 2007 with federation coming in 2008 while Decentraland actually didn't.
Then again, typical OpenSim footage might probably be standard Ruth waddling around Pimple Island on low graphics settings.
The following is based on the
Drakeposting #