Description: Žiaurus futbolo fanatas, kuris bando perprasti kas per vienas ta Hubzilla yra ir todėl čia eksperimentuoja
Age: 56
Location: Lithuania
About: Žmogus kaip žmogus
Description: Ĉi tie estas mia loko en Fediverso, kie ni parolos Esperanto!
Age: 56
Location: Litovujo
About: Mi estas ordinara homo, kiel plejparto aliaj en la mondo. Mi ŝatas legi librojn, vojaĝi per biciklo. Piedpilko estas mia plej ŝata sporto. Ankaŭ mi estas pasia ĝardenisto kaj mem kreskigas preskaŭ tutaj legomojn, kiujn mi manĝas.
Description: Блог писателя: художественная проза, публицистика; размышления о праве, коммунизме, Христианстве, саморазвитии, свободном ПО и всем остальном.
Description: Disfrute de las últimas noticias del mundo de la informática.
Location: NRW, Deutschland
Hometown: Dortmund
Description: to be continued
Location: Wallonie, Belgique
About: Hello world !
Description: Добро пожаловать в наш блог, посвященный новостям из мира науки! Здесь вы найдете актуальные исследования и вдохновляющие истории, которые меняют наше представление о мире.
About: Блог «Наука & Инновации»: последние открытия, исследования и достижения науки.
Description: Familienmensch und Vater, aber auch Nerd, Geek, Gamer, Musiker, Sänger, Blogger, Podcaster und was mir noch so alles einfällt, damit mir niemals langweilig wird.
Age: 37
Location: Saarland, Deutschland
Hometown: Dudweiler
About: Über mich




Anderer STARGATE-Podcast
Description: mastering engineer at Total Sonic Media
Location: Texas, USA
Hometown: Cedar Park
Description: skribe
Location: Singapore
Hometown: Perth, Western Australia
Description: German expat in Uppsala, Sweden, Explorer of the Fediverse
Age: 49
Location: Europe, Sweden
Hometown: Uppsala
About: German expat in Uppsala, Sweden; Explorer of the Fediverse
Description: Encore sur la Terre, mais lucide. #Linux #Cultures
Description: Mein Public Kanal auf Hubzilla 🦣📸 ♂️ 🇩🇪 🇪🇺 🦋 - Politik, Satire, Fediverse, Social-Media und KI sind aktuell (u.a.) meine Themen, freue mich auf interessante Kontakte, Thomas
Age: 71
Location: BaWü, DE
About: Seit Mitte November 2024 auf Mastodon und Bluesky, seit Mitte Dezember 2024 probiere ich mich auf Hubzilla zurechtzufinden. Dank 🙏 und vor allem seiner Hubzilla-Doku, klappt das schon viel besser als vor ein paar Jahren. Bin mal gespannt wie sich das noch so entwickelt ...
Description: Cyber nomad from Polesia
Location: Polesie, Poland
Hometown: Stary Brus
Age: 49
About: Ce compte va publier des infos sur les projets regroupés sous le terme iota
Description: #antifascist DE/EN #Tech #OpenSource #Linux #Metal #Rock #LabourLaw
Age: 30
Location: New York, 🇺🇸
Description: Utolantis (scheduled for release on 1 jan. 2025) is a concept for a new human civilization, based on a holistic worldview
Location: Europe, Netherlands
About: My real name is Wil Duis.
I live in the Netherlands with my partner.
I am the initial designer of the Utolantis concept, which can act as a baseline for a whole new human civilization.
A civilization that is based upon a holistic worldview
A civilization that is the complete opposite of where the world elites are driving us towards with their " Build Back Better" hoax.
A civilization that wants to act as the alternative for their totalitarian state, based on eugenics (transhumanism) , mind control and enslaving the population

For more details about me, check out my personal page on the Utolantis website
Description: Projeto de Wiki do Fediverso, com foco no usuário (pt-BR)
Location: Brazil
About: Um Manual Colaborativo do Fediverso em constante construção.
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
About: pt-BR: Não concordo com uma cultura moldada por algoritmos. E é isso que a maioria das redes sociais mainstream se tornou. Por isso, saí de lugares como Facebook, Twitter e cá estou. Sigo mais conversas do que pessoas.

EN: I don't agree with a culture shaped by algorithms. And that's what most mainstream social networks have become. So I left places like Facebook, Twitter and here I am. I follow more conversations than people.
Location: West Java, Indonesia
Hometown: Bandung
Description: Tutorial-Channel
Location: Bayern,
Description: Ich mache #Musik, bin ausgebildet in #Hypnose und interessiere mich für - ich weiß, 'Alles' ist kein Musikgeschmack - aber genau mein Interessensgebiet.
Location: Germany
Hometown: Leipzig
Description: ( ◕.◕)♬♩♪