the talk is intended to improve your speaking ability in critical situations by teaching you a few heuristic rules
How to start a talk: (4:15)1. Never start with a joke, it always falls flat.2. Start with an empowerment statement, i.e. what will the audience achieve after the talk.3. Humans have only one language processor, so make sure they focus on what you're saying.------------------------------------------Sample Heuristics: (5:38)1. Cycle on the topic. Repeat what are talking about to reinforce it2. Build a fence around your ideas, so audiences don't confuse them with the ideas from others. Tell them how your idea is different from others.3. Use verbal punctuation to help audiences re-focus. State what you have covered so far and what is there to come.4. Ask questions. Engage the audience with moderately difficult questions every now and then. But not very difficult ones.------------------------------------------The ToolsTime & place: (10:17)1. Choose an appropriate time for talks. 11 am is a good time for the 1st lecture of the day.2. The place should be well lit.3. Know the place before hand, it should be cased so that you can address challenges if any. 4. Make sure it's reasonably populated.Boards. Props, & Slides: (13:24)1. Chalks and boards are good for informing and teaching.2. Boards are well paced medium, people can absorb content while you write or draw graphics.3. Using Boards and props helps in empathetic mirroring i.e. audiences think they are doing the writing and drawing4. You can used hands to draw attention.5. Props are useful to help audiences visualize things.6. Slides are good for exposing.7. Don't use laser pointers as they reduce the speakers' chance to engage with audiences, use a sign-post instead.8. Slides should have minimum amount of words. You do the talking and explanation of the points.9. Font size should be large enough for easy reading.10. Practice your talk with people who don't know your work so that they don't hallucinate whats not in the presentation.------------------------------------------Informing, Inspire: (36:30)1. Show your passion towards the subject2. Promise a solution to a problem3. Inspire by igniting passion3. Teach people how to think by:- Providing stories that they need to know- Providing questions that they need to ask about these stories- Providing mechanism to analyse these stories- Providing ways to put together stories- Providing ways to evaluate reliability of the stories------------------------------------------Persuade: (41:30)1. Job Talks:Vision - Tell them about a problem they'd be interested in and provide your approach to the solution.Achievement - Provide the steps you will take to solve the problem2. Getting Famous:Why? - Because you want your work to be recognized.How? - Brand your work, have a slogan, have a salient idea and have a story to tell.------------------------------------------How to End a Talk: (50:06)1. The last slide - It should enumerate what the audience have learnt or achieved after this talk, give them the time to read.2. Final words:- Never thank the audience.- End with a call to action.- Alright, you can tell a joke now, people will think they've had fun all the while. (50:36)
演講技巧筆記:1. 開始:賦能承諾 演講開始應以賦能承諾作為開場,讓聽眾明白在演講結束後,他們將獲得哪些新的知識或技能。 例如:在演講結束後,你將了解一些你不曾知道的演講技巧,其中一些技巧將會對你的生活產生影響。2. 演講技巧:四個核心概念 循環: 為了確保所有聽眾都能理解你的觀點,應重複重要信息三遍。 建構: 圍繞你的觀點建立一個清晰的界限,讓聽眾能夠區分你的觀點與其他相關觀點。 口頭標點符號: 在演講過程中,運用數字、列舉、過渡詞等,幫助聽眾理解演講結構,並在必要時重新回到正軌。 提問: 適當的提問,可以讓聽眾參與進來,並幫助他們重新集中注意力。3. 演講工具:黑板、道具、幻燈片 黑板: 適合用於信息傳遞,尤其是在演講中需要使用圖像或圖表時。 道具: 可以幫助聽眾更直觀地理解你的觀點,並讓演講更生動。 幻燈片: 適合用於展示觀點,而不是教授觀點。4. 幻燈片製作:避免常見錯誤 避免閱讀幻燈片: 聽眾會感到無聊。 文字要簡潔: 每張幻燈片僅放少量關鍵詞,讓聽眾集中注意力在你的演講上。 避免背景雜亂: 背景圖案或顏色可能會分散注意力。 使用適當的字體大小: 字體過小會讓聽眾難以閱讀。 避免使用激光筆: 激光筆會分散注意力,而且會阻礙與聽眾的互動。 避免幻燈片過於厚重: 太多文字或信息會讓聽眾感到吃力。 適當使用圖片: 圖片可以幫助理解,但避免過多圖片。5. 演講目的:信息傳遞、啟發靈感、說服 信息傳遞: 清晰、準確地傳遞信息,使用黑板作為主要工具。 啟發靈感: 通過展示熱情和對主題的深入理解,激發聽眾的興趣。 說服: 通過邏輯、證據和清晰的論述,說服聽眾接受你的觀點。6. 啟發靈感:三要素 信任: 讓聽眾相信你對主題的理解和熱情。 新視角: 幫助聽眾從新的角度看待問題。 熱情: 真誠地表達你對主題的熱愛。7. 演講的收尾:避免說“謝謝” 不要說“謝謝”: 這會讓聽眾覺得你是在感謝他們忍受你的演講。 使用其他方式結束演講: 例如,總結你的主要觀點、提出展望,或以一個令人難忘的句子結束。 可以模仿政治演講的結束方式: 例如,以一個激勵人心的句子或祈禱結束。 可以向聽眾致敬: 表達你對聽眾的感謝,並表達你對他們時間的尊重。8. 演講技巧: Winston 之星 符號: 使用一個獨特的符號或圖像來代表你的研究或觀點。 口號: 使用一個簡潔易懂的口號來概括你的研究或觀點。 驚喜: 使用一個令人意想不到的發現或觀點來吸引聽眾的注意力。 突出理念(salience): 突出你的研究或觀點中最關鍵、最具獨特性的理念。 故事: 講述你如何進行研究、如何發現這些理念,以及這些理念的重要性。
【如何開場】1. 不要以笑話開場。2. 給聽眾一個聽完後的承諾。【如何啟發別人】1. 重要的事情要講三遍。2. 明確劃分自己的內容與他人的不同。3. 適時回頭帶一下重點,拉回注意力。【技術性細節】1. 挑合適的時間,例如早上 11 點。2. 地點應該燈光充足。3. 粉筆與黑板很好用。4. 手不要插在口袋,也不要放在背後。5. 不要用雷射筆。6. 字絕對不能多。7. 字體最小為 40 級,既清楚也能避免太多。8. 投影片是用來展示概念,不是用來念或看的。9. 適當使用道具有助於聽眾記憶重點。10. 不要找專家排練,因為怎樣他都聽得懂。【如何激勵聽眾】1. 只要你展現出熱情,聽眾就會感到被啟發。2. 給聽眾一個故事,並帶領他們提問、甚至分析。【如何說服聽眾】1. 為了工作:分享願景,並說明解決問題的步驟。2. 為了有名:透過理念、故事、口號來打造個人品牌。【如何結束演講】1. 絕不說「謝謝」,這很像台下的人只是基於禮貌才聽。2. 可以用行動號召作結。3. 或是你終於可以講個笑話