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"Nothing About Us Without Us", only it still is without them most of the time

 zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:36:38 +0200
When disabled Fediverse users demand participation in accessibility discussions, but there are no discussions in the first place, and they themselves don't even seem to be available to give accessibility feedback
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AI superiority at describing images, not so alleged?

 zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:36:16 +0200
Could it be that AI can image-describe circles even around me? And that the only ones whom my image descriptions satisfy are Mastodon's alt-text police?
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Why descriptions for images from virtual worlds have to be so long and extensive

 zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 11:35:50 +0200
Whenever I describe a picture from a virtual world, the description grows far beyond everyone's wildest imaginations in size; here's why
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