Не знал, что такие делают — оно подсвечивает различные точки на доске. И для того, чтобы показывать ход и для оценки ситуации/вариантов:

After thousands of attempts and failures, the IZIS AI Go Board was finally released to market in 2019. Over 10,000 sets have been sold in China and other countries all over the world; both amateurs and professionals highly praise the AI board. We are already in the third generation of our product.
The IZIS AI Go Board is an all-in-one goban. Some features of the device include:
- a real board – you can play with single-convex stones;
- built-in AI go programs such as KataGo, Leela and Golaxy to analyze your games;
- play against remote opponents that are also using the AI Go Board, or choose the level of AI and play in man-versus-machine mode;
- games are automatically recorded for later study;
- a multicolor touch screen provides numerous features, for example, you can arrange a live stream simply by sharing a link to your game;
- user interfaces in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are available;
- there is a cloud database of over 100,000 professional games to replay;
- you can work through interactive graded problems: joseki, capturing race, life & death, endgame and more!
Есть куча видео про этот девайс
https://www.youtube.com/@hebsacker_verlag/communityИ официальный канал
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJasRkf44a2WWPUAfTZaTTbjYu3detW7EКупить можно
здесь и судя по описанию есть приложения для iOS и Android.
KataGo #
games #
gaming #
го #
igo #
baduk #
бадук #
weiqi #
вэйци #