Your Papers Please.
Your Papers Please.Imagine a world where one must have the right documents to conduct, every facet of one's daily existence and without them, one becomes an outcast. What if, in this same theoretical world, that access to all one's money and belongings are tied to those very same documents and if one runs afoul of the correct political conventions, one runs the risk of being cut off from those possessions by some unknown bureaucrat of the state and relegated to the status of a non person until one falls prostrate, begging for forgiveness? Can it happen and if it were to appear, this theoretical world, this place, would one even recognize the signs of its formation? Welcome to the dawning of the digital identity.
Apps like this one are currently being mandated in countries worldwide. It's just a matter of time before it reaches a place that one calls home. This particular image is of an app being used in that rock solid home of western democracy, in Ukraine.