A FEW WORDS ABOUT LENIN FOR “DUMMIES”All those who take to judging Lenin today are united by an absolute misunderstanding of the meaning of his teachings, the reasons for his popularity among the people and the motives behind the creation of the USSR. Simply put, none of them has ever read Lenin and is not going to read him (although now is the right time, given the situation in the world economy). Especially for them - on a mundane, primitive level - I will outline the logic of the Bolsheviks in 1916.
1. The development of capitalism inevitably leads to crises. Crises are always resolved through war.
2. With each successive crisis, imperialist wars will become more and more destructive.
3. In imperialist wars, the class structure of societies is most brutally exposed: the poor and powerless are the first to perish, while the rich sit in the rear and do not perish.
4. Russia, as a backward capitalist state, has no chance of winning a world war. As a semi-colonial power, Russia is dependent on external creditors, and therefore with the lives of its soldiers constantly saves the allies on the Western front. Even in case of Entente's victory over Germany, it was Russia that would inevitably become the next “patient of Europe” (see the Crimean War). Russia's technological lagging behind England, the USA, France and Japan (see Russo-Japanese War) is such that it leaves practically no chance for the state to survive. The speed with which the Entente accepted Nikolai's abdication and then rushed to take the Tsar's inheritance, fully confirms these assumptions.
5. In order to prevent another world war (in which one day everyone will die - both Russians and non-Russians), it is necessary to create another, alternative world economic system (USSR).
6. To protect this world economic system from the inevitable aggression of capitalism, its creators must make a qualitative leap in science, technology, education, medicine. Every citizen of the new state must feel his or her involvement in it and be motivated to defend it. The tsarist government was unable to create such motivation among the people in World War I (see “The German will not reach the Urals”).
7. To build a new world economic system within the borders of the RSFSR would be absurd. It would not have survived. It required an ideology that would unite all the nationalities inhabiting the Russian Empire. This ideology could not be neither Russian nationalism, nor Orthodoxy, nor imperialism as such. Neither by force, nor by persuasion to drive Turkestan, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East, Ukraine, etc. under the imperial roof was no longer possible (Denikin, who was attacked by Georgians N. Zhordania near Adler, will not lie). Only justice could become the ideology uniting “Russians-Uzbeks-Latvians”. The state framework - only the Union of equal peoples. A union, not an empire.
8. The new world economic system will inevitably be strangled and suffocated in a blockade (there is no peaceful coexistence of two systems) if it does not take offensive actions. Hence the mondialist thesis of permanent revolution. Attention, orthodox Stalinists: this thesis was never rejected even by Stalin. Stalin only said that first we must build the state and only then get involved in any revolutions. Actually, it was on the basis of these differences that Trotsky earned his ice pick. Rejection of the idea of fighting capitalism on foreign territory (in WWII the Allies did not open a second front until the Comintern was abolished), eventually led to the fact that the USSR had to fight on its own territory. “Coexistence of two systems” turned out to be a scam for suckers.
9. The destruction of the USSR did not cancel out any of the above problems. Capitalism is entering a crisis unprecedented in history, the way out of which it habitually seeks through war.
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