Finally, there was another event in one of my favourite locations, Malon Wyngard's #
MokaEfti (unfortunately misspelled "Mokka Efti" in the sim name) on the #
Dereos grid, inspired by the club of the same name in the TV show #
BabylonBerlin. One of the few #
ArtDeco clubs on the #
Hypergrid, a major reason why I love it.
The area around the virtual Moka Efti is only a small skybox, including not much more than the Moka Efti, a tram stop and an underground station. When @
Jupiter Rowland took the picture, he was pretty much leaning on the skybox, so small is it. But it gives an impression of #
Berlin in 1928. It certainly helps that the place is permanently set to night.
My outfit in the pictures below is a hodge-podge of bits and pieces from various creators. The dress is an asymmetrical dress made by Damien Fate and textured by Cary Bean of Deva Moda. Feather boa, stockings, blush and eye shadow were taken from Cherry Manga's Coco outfit which entirely mimicks that "flapper" style. The ankle boots were made by Dereos resident LyAvain Swansong. The gloves were lifted from Millie, one of those 26 starter avatars that come from Klamotto/Deva Moda. Finally, lipstick and eyeliner were made by BlueWing Babe and has become unavailable when old Dynamic Worldz shut down; I chose it particularly because I needed some dark red lipstick.
If you want some music to go with this,
here is that one famous song from the TV show.
OpenSim #
OpenSimulator #
Metaverse #
VirtualWorlds #
Roaring20s #