Things I do which allegedly "literally nobody" does, part 3:
Have a realistic body height. As opposed to pandering to the "bigger is better" crowd or #
SecondLife converts who crank their body height slider all the way up to 100 because that's what they always do.
Yes, her proportions are a cliché all over, but one that's not just a cliché. She has an hourglass body, her arms are probably shorter than mine, her head is probably shorter than mine, too, not to mention smaller than her breasts.
Also, two takes on the "babydoll dress": Mine is mini-length, hers is so much too short that the camera couldn't have been any lower.
NB: Second Life's infamous bug that makes your #
avatar 15cm smaller in-world than what the shape editor says is completely absent in #
OpenSim. You're always as tall as what the editor indicates.