How the executioners of Dachau were killedOn April 29, 1945, American troops occupied the Dachau concentration camp. What happened next there is a story that is not well known.
Soldiers found 39 wagons in Dachau, FILLED UP full of prisoners' corpses - some half-decomposed. Many bodies were lying around on the grass. The Americans walked further and saw crematoria full of burnt bones and gas chambers that were still running this morning. The new commandant (the old one had run away) came out to them with a proposal of surrender - SS Untersturmführer Heinrich Wicker. The discussion did not last long - a soldier came from the crematorium and shot Wicker in the eye with the words - "Here's your surrender, SS beast!". At once the evening ceased to be languid.
Half an hour later, American soldiers killed 122 of the surrendered SS soldiers. Another 40 SS prisoners are beaten to death with shovels, sticks and stones. American officers order the shooting to stop and line up the prisoners in the courtyard. A machine gunner nicknamed "Bird's Eye" says with a smile, "Can't you see? They're trying to escape!" He opens fire and kills 12 more Germans. Lt. Col. Felix Sparks pushes him away from the machine gun with the words, "What the hell are you doing?" The soldiers explain to their superiors that they are going to kill all the prisoners right now, and no one will tell them what to do. The higher officers leave the camp.

At 2:45 p.m., the U.S. military begins killing SS men throughout the camp. At least 346 prisoners are shot in the so-called "coal yard". Wounded SS soldiers, nurses and doctors are dragged out of the SS hospital by their hair and immediately put against the wall. The wounded who can not walk are killed: Lieutenant William Walsh personally shot four German soldiers who surrendered to him, Private Albert Pewitt shot the Germans lying in the ambulance wagon with a machine gun, saying: "As far as they are concerned, this is mercy."

The higher officers returned with reinforcements, but it was too late. In total (sources vary greatly), up to 550 people were killed (not counting the "capos", camp assistants, who were simply slaughtered) - members of the local SS guard, the wounded in the hospital, and the hospital staff itself. None of the Americans were later brought to justice or punished in any way - the case was simply put "on the brakes".
So that's what I'm getting at? I understand the Americans. I understand them perfectly. I don't feel fucking sorry for the SS soldiers, or the hospital doctors, or even the nurses. I don't give a fuck at all - they were lucky they died a quick death, they got off cheap. My point is that US cities escaped occupation, bombing, concentration camps. And yet, the people who saw THAT in the camp went mad with rage and couldn't contain themselves, dragging the prisoners to the wall.
Thank you, that's all I have to say.
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