Climate crisis is the symptom, Overconsumption is the disease Scroll down to explore the true causes of the crisis and what we can do to treat it 1/The disease The European Union’s growth-based economy is driving a depletion of Earth’s finite resources. This is fueling a double burnout of people and planet.
Learn how past Earth Overshoot Days are calculated based on the Ecological Footprint and see how the date has changed over the years.
Can we live in balance with the Earth? Discover, champion, & share existing solutions that accelerate the shift to one-planet compatible thriving.
© 2023 Earth Overshoot Day. Global Footprint Network. All Rights...
Countless creative and viable solutions exist, ready to deploy at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate.
Calculate your Ecological Footprint. Find out how many planets would be needed if everyone in the world lived like you?
The Supreme Court of the United States is the country's highest federal court. Established pursuant to Article Three of the U.S. Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate—and largely discretionary—appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of U.S. federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range...
This chapter introduces the main themes covered in the book, including the landscape political ecology (LPE) framework, and how it helps to make sense of the type of controversies taking place in Penang. It also provides important scholarly context for the Penang case study, situating the book within earlier research on Penang and Malaysia in the urban studies literature. In particular, the chapter discusses the challenges that Penang’s urban centre of George Town has faced in balancing its considerable built heritage with its urban redevelopment aspirations over the past three decades. This tension is linked to broader aspirations at the national level with regards to modernization and urban development. Finally, the chapter introduces the significant civil society sector in Penang, and how they have shaped urban governance in the city-region.
"Preface" published on 06 May 2022 by Bristol University Press.
prioritizing profits over people
Penang Forum has a steering committee which plans events and campaigns, but is not dominated by one individual or group
extraction and processing of materials is a major reason behind the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste, responsible for an estimated 50 per cent of carbon emissions and 90 per cent of global biodiversity loss
Fifty years have passed since The Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth. The report was a sharp critique of the notion of material growth as eternal and
declining wellbeing reduces social trust and erodes the ability of governments to act
Over the last 15 years, my colleagues and I have studied possible paths for human wellbeing on planet Earth in the 21st century. Our perspective is that of
We must act now to tackle the escalating climate crisis and rising poverty. For the first time in a generation, the number of people living in extreme poverty
The geopolitical landscape is now extremely polarised, in large part because multilateral institutions and processes have repeatedly failed the global majority
Over 25 economic thinkers are concerned that the summit for a new global financing pact will not deliver its original ambition of a true pact that would increase financial solidarity with low-income countries.
The recent Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact was touted by its organizers, including French President Emmanuel Macron, as a
The bad news? If humanity continues on the current path of slow, incremental change - a.k.a the #Earth4All Too Little Too Late scenario- average wellbeing will decline.But here's the good news! 🌟...
The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) describes what the economy needs to deliver for human and ecological wellbeing as follows: Dignity: Everyone has enough to live in comfort, safety and happiness. Nature: A restored and safe natural world for all life. Connection: A sense of belonging and institutions that serve the common good. Fairness: Justice in all its dimensions at the heart of economic systems, and the gap between the richest and poorest greatly reduced. Participation: Citizens are actively engaged in their communities and locally rooted economies......The Earth4All Wellbeing Index incorporates: Dignity: worker disposable income (after tax). Nature: climate change (global surface average temperature, in Celsius) – used as a proxy for many other environmental dimensions. Connection: government services indicated by spending per person, i.e., to institutions that serve the common good. Fairness: the ratio of owner income after tax to worker income after tax – representing inequality in society. Participation: people’s observed progress (previously improving wellbeing) and labour participation
As a reaction to the limitations of GDP growth, ideas around wellbeing economics are gaining increased attention.
Well-being, or wellbeing,[1] also known as wellness, prudential value, prosperity or quality of life, refers to what is intrinsically valuable relative to someone. So the well-being of a person is what is ultimately good for this person, what is in the self-interest of this person.[2] Well-being can refer to both positive and negative well-being...
❌ Eradicate extreme poverty 🤝 Inequality reduces💸 Wealth is more fairly distributed⬇️ Social tension falls🌎 Climate stabilises well below 2°C
What if we make the greatest economic transformation in history?
honest humility ... I don't know how to solve this. I need your support ... We are kind of organizing this process but I can't do it without you ... You don't lose your face when you say I can't do it alone and all these things
sustainability is often discussed at a very technical level, but in the end it's about human beings caring, about the well-being of their children, the well-being of the non-human life around them ... it's about an emotion that connects people
Governance model is very important, not other than policy instruments. We need a governance model. Without a good governance model, those policy instruments or policies may not be chosen. Chooser may not be used may not be used properly
在台灣引用房板之前的文章大概可以分成九大階級第一階層應該就是上市櫃金控 大型製造業集團大致上就是從日治時代就發跡資產數百億至千億這批人這些人屬於台灣的貴族無論怎麼政黨輪替日本人走了 國軍接收了民進黨輪替了 或未來如何都影響不到他們第二階層大地主 大建設公司公司老董上市公司老闆 包括三代公務員資產大約百億至數百億這些人跟上層社會 有名氣的藍綠及兩岸政治人物有著千絲萬縷的關係第三階層大型工廠企業主 地方仕紳傳統世家極度成功的中小企業主資產數十億至百億之間這些人 能透過特定的管道 組織 或名望約他們想見的政治人物碰面影響到特定的政策推動第四階層比較成功的中小企業主資產數億元至十億元之間數套房產這些人跟立委 地方民代 地方政治人物都有著非常密切的關係無法影響政策 但可以透過民代影響個案第五階層國立大學教授 醫師 開業三師半導體科技業 外商主管做小生意成功的資產數千萬至一至二億之間擁有一至三套房產算目前7-8年級普通人能靠努力爬到的頂峰光鮮亮麗 算中產階級的頂峰第六階層老師 公務員主管級 國營企業外商員工 大企業工程師基本上擁有自住房 買得起一台還不錯的車仍可堪稱 中產階級第七階層較基層的公務員 一般勞工在都會地區甚難買房有能力買在桃園基隆宜蘭等地通勤騎車 搭火車 但買得起國產車需要很勉力的維持接近中產階級的階層一不小心就會往下掉到下個階層第八階層中小企業服務業員工 計程車司機 藍領作業員基本上是月光族或存不到多少七八年級這階層是不用想買房了除了祖上留房 不然就是租房通勤以騎車為主生了小孩就而往往就要打零工做ubereats貼補家用勉力求生 make ends meet第九階層農民 工人 保全 計時服務業基本上在都會地區難以輕鬆存活以租房騎車為主成家不易 可能已經很接近社會邊緣