Photos About German HistoryUSA, "The End of Depression". The inscription on the back of the medal reads, “Stop crying, let's buy.”, 1932

You want jobs and bread! Vote for Hitler! Berlin. Weimar Republic. 1932.

“The store is closed by the police because the prices are too high. Store owner is re-educated in Dachau”. 1935.

Nazi Germany, One of thousands of NSDAP rallies, 1937

Munich Collusion, September 30, 1938

Poland, Auschwitz concentration camp, 1942. Bales with the hair of women burned in the crematorium were sent to Germany.

The result of a projectile from an ISU-152 SAU hitting the turret of a Panther. 1944.

“Death Pine” is the site of numerous executions. During World War II, German soldiers hanged partisans on this tree, and then partisans hanged Germans. 1944.

“On April 21, 1945, the troops of the First Belorussian Front entered Berlin! Long live our Great Soviet Motherland! Long live our wise comrade Stalin!” Poster. Berlin, Germany, 1945.

A certificate issued to mechanic Nikolai Agapov stating that he purchased the tank with his own funds. At the request of the Komsomol, the tank was nicknamed “Amur Avenger”, 1945.

Dinner table of the accused at the Nuremberg trials, sentenced to death. Germany, 1945.

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